Arveene and Dan try and kill each other with Science... and sometimes they actually solve some Portal 2 Co-Op maps. This page features the ten most recent episodes, the rest of the episodes can be found in the Archives.

Aperture Fun Episode 43

Episode 43 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 46, Arveene and Dan find our counterparts, and surprisingly we don't kill each other.

Aperture Fun Episode 42

Episode 42 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 31, Dan keeps dying trying to go into rooms he doesn't belong in, and there isn't a Sphinx anywhere on the whole map.

Aperture Fun Episode 41

Episode 41 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 16, face-off against wood, and Dan really hates the Sphinx.


Aperture Fun Episode 40

Episode 40 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 51, Dan loses track of where he is half the time, and spinning laser walls of death are not fun.

Aperture Fun Episode 39

Episode 39 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 65, which is quite possibly the most mind-wracking puzzle we've ever done. I really don't have anything witty to say about this, so sit back and watch Arveene and Dan angrily snap at each other until we solve the damn thing.

Aperture Fun Episode 38

It’s the first Portal Map of the New Year, and this week we take on Sunbury Chamber 66, we run into a new type of map switch, and damn light bridges.

Aperture Fun Episode 37

Episode 37 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 64, Dan takes the high road and not kill Arveene, and wall spikes just suck.


Aperture Fun Episode 36

This week we take on Sunbury Chamber 63 (and honestly, you guys should really check out all the maps this guy makes, there’s a whole lot of them, and so far they’ve all been amazing), anyway this map continuously tricks us as to how long it goes on for, and we marvel at the joy that is the turret coated in blue bouncy gel.

Aperture Fun Episode 35

Episode 35 of Aperture Fun, where we try to Think Harder, which initially doesn’t work out very well for us, and Dan volunteers to be a tactically deployed science robot.

Aperture Fun Episode 34

Episode 34 of Aperture Fun, where we take on Sunbury Chamber 58 which is one of the better retro-style Aperture Maps we’ve played, and Dan takes Arveene’s life into his hands, hopefully he kills him.